Our Services
We deliver a range of responsive and integrated community, leisure, health and work support services to adults and children from across Sheffield. Including health advice, employment support, volunteering guidance, leisure and sport activities, activities for young people, meeting space, career advice and much more.
Zest provide a range of tailored employment support services and training courses to suit your needs, alongside support to help employers find the right candidates.
“Its as though they sprinkled magic dust over me”
Our service includes a tailored needs and skills appointment to ensure you are signposted to the right course. To enrol or find out more please contact the Zest Team on (0114) 270 2042, E-mail: training@zestcommunity.co.uk
Or- Complete an online enquiry using the form here.
We welcome your feedback on our service.
Volunteers are essential to Zest's success and ability to offer such a great range of services for the community. We take great pride in being able to offer quality volunteer placements. If you want some guidance or want to find out more about what's involved please complete an enquiry form or email volunteering@zestcommunity.co.uk
Volunteer role information
We engage with the local community to ensure they have a voice, to promote cohesion and to develop an inclusive service offer for children, young people & families.
In addition to our swimming pool, gym, and fitness classes here at ZEST we also have services available to support you in achieving your health and wellbeing goals. We know it can be difficult or daunting to even know where to start, so we can help you break your goals down into small achievable steps.
Our team comprises of Health Service Coordinators, and Health and Wellbeing Coaches. We run 1-1 sessions and group activities. We can signpost to other community services both at ZEST and elsewhere depending on your goals.
For more information explore the boxes below. Call us on 0114 270 2040 or email Health@zestcommunity.co.uk.
Zest provide an inclusive community leisure offer, which includes a Victorian era swimming pool, 2 gyms including a women only gym and a range of fitness classes. Our swimming pool has warmer water with a ramp into the pool and a hoist making it ideal for people with disabilities and is an ideal pool for children’s swimming lessons.