Think Green!

Welcome to Think Green, the home of Zest’s environmental and sustainability initiative.
This is where we share our journey, achievements, and goals as we work to minimize our environmental impact.
Join us as we take steps to reduce waste, conserve resources, and promote a greener future.
We hope you will find this web page informative and that it inspires you to make your own commitments to improving the environment.
You can find out more about our ideas by reading our Environmental Action Plan.
How it all started?
In the summer of 2024 we undertook an audit* to assess our environmental performance. We did OK but things could certainly be better.
The result inspired us to make a pledge: that sustainability and environmental performance should be at the very heart of what we do as an organisation.
So, what have we achieved since the audit?
With the support of recent capital investment funding we have been able to make some real inroads into improving the building’s carbon footprint.
The first stage involved a full renovation of the roof, creating a glass atrium and full insulation of 91 square metres of roof space. The insulation is certain to provide huge energy savings and help us cut our C02 emissions.
We have also switched all our lights from halogen to LED. This small change has generated major impact cutting our C02 emissions by as much as 3.41 tonnes per year –saving Zest up to £7,500 every 12 months.

What have we got planned for the year ahead?
Solar panels will be fitted to the roof as part of the next phase of the capital investment programme saving 2.07 tonnes of C02 a year and generating an incredible 9,234 KWH – enough to power all our treadmills and cross trainers for a whole year.

We are also planning on introducing sub metering to track our energy usage helping us to turn raw data into real savings.
We are also planning to install motion sensor lighting throughout the building after the initial success of fitting them in offices on the top floor of the main building. Motion sensor lighting can help organisations reduce energy usage by as much as 40%.
A new waste disposal system will soon be place making it easier for people who use the centre to identify the correct bin for recycling paper, card, plastics and ink.
Enhancing our Green Spaces to help nurture our immediate environment. This will take the form of litter picking groups and active maintenance of the peace garden to the rear of the building and the raised beds at the front.
As well as introducing a range of environmentally friendly improvements to the building we are also encouraging, staff and volunteers to take a more active role in controlling their own carbon footprint at work.
Our Think Green! awareness campaign aims to engage all our stakeholders, asking them to consider green alternatives when making decisions in the workplace. Everything from travelling to work and meetings, to choosing proven environmentally focused products and suppliers over those without sustainability commitments. We’re also asking library and leisure service users to think about the environment when they use the centre.
Remember, small changes can have massive impacts over time. Something as simply as recyling a used plastic drinks bottle by disposing of it in the correct bin can make a difference. So keep it at the front of your mind and Think Green!
*Our environmental audit was carried out as part of our partnership with Sport England’s Swimming Pool Support Fund